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Alina Pash

Alina Pash
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Alina Pash




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Nathy Peluso, Rosalia

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Electronic, hip-hop, slavic music

" Alina Pash, music from beyond the conflict. "

After a year of war between Ukraine and Russia, the music of Ukrainian artist Alina Pash sounds like a call for hope, for peace, and a rampart against the violence and barbarity hitting her nation. Born in 1993 in West Ukraine, Alina made her public debut in 2015 on the X-Factor TV show. Three years later, in 2018, she released her first single ‘Bitanga’, which has since been played more than two million times on Youtube. The success of this title allowed her to create her own record company, « Bitanga Blood », to help young Ukrainian and Russian artists.

With her outfits and visuals stuffed with allusions to her native country, Pash smartly mixes references to the Slavic culture and music on the one hand, with hip-hop and electronic music on the other. A nod to western influences.

The singer and rapper continues via her songwriting and music to support and defend her beloved country. She has, for example, adapted the Ukrainian anthem to a rap version.  “When my father went to the frontline, he told me that the best I could do was something I choose with my heart, and that is being an artist” explained the singer when interviewed by on the one year anniversary of the conflict. “I decided to speak to people, whether at charity concerts or in the street, and explain all the layers of the story, why it’s important for Ukrainians but also for humanity in general.

Alina also uses her notoriety to defend causes that are important for her, such as the rights of LGBT people (as on the title ‘Rizni, rivni’, on which she collaborates with other artists), suicide prevention, domestic violence and gender equality.

She has already released  two albums ‘Pintea:Gory/Misto’ (2018) and ‘Rozmova’ (2021) and one EP ‘НОРОВ’ (2021). With so many projects only rising in the context of war, and filling her head with ideas, we expect a lot more is to come from Alina in the future.