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Altre di B

Punk, Rock / Italien (Bologna)
Altre di B



Über uns

Abspeichern unter

Hilldale, The Vines


The perfect example of a tongue-in-cheek band in Italy

" The band you want to have at your birthday bash. "

Altre di B are the perfect example of a tongue-in-cheek band in Italy. I’ve seen them countless times, opening for a lot of different artists, and their style always fit everywhere perfectly. It isn’t easy talking objectively about a band you probably saw more times than your grandma during the same time span, but these guys are seriously good. They bring to mind a time when kids weren’t hanging on smartphones all the time, but rather playing sports outside, in the fields, until their mother called from the window to say dinner was ready.

After touring extensively, including festival appearances, the band has grown up. They’re still so very Bolognese (no, not the sauce!), but they’ve found their own Brit-punk-synth sound and turned into one of those bands that you approach cautiously with a beer in hand – then suddenly can’t stop listening and headbanging.