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Kimyan Law

Electronic / Autriche (Vienna)
Kimyan Law


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" Unique, beautifully crafted beats: time to believe in drum'n'bass again. "

“But why drum’n’bass?” you might ask. It may seem out of touch with other scenes and current trends in general. But Kimyan Law can single-handedly make you believe in the future of drum’n’bass again. There are so many sounds and grooves yet to discover. Think of Flying Lotus or SBTRKT, how they managed to make you dream of the possibilities within electronic music and entertain you at the same time. Kimyan Law has that same sharp sensitivity for music, which he just happens to express in the vast framework of drum’n’bass.

His approach and personality are unique. When he takes the subway, he hears different overtones in each line, he uses glass, frozen dirt or rice to create his own sounds, he cuts, deletes, rearranges, records, rebuilds, brings in sounds from Congo and Japan, exotic instruments, polyrhythms, talking drums. And when he does so live, the range of grooves and ideas can open up new worlds.