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Top10! February 2023

All styles / Europe
Top10! February 2023

After Le Botanique last month, we’d like to wish a warm welcome to our friends and partners Estragon, the club rocking Bologna (Italy) since 1992, joining us to curate this February’s top 10! You will, of course, find an Italian artist in this selection – Indian Wells and his emotive electronic music – but also some pop music with Bulgarian Cartrader and Aoife Nessa Frances, Teksti-TV 666’s numerous guitars, Danai Nielsen and Cid Rim’s electro-pop, hip-hop from the German rapper Haiyti, soul and r’n’b with Raquel Martins, and folk infused with classical music from Nina Kohout. Finally, don’t miss out on Alina Pash’s resistance songs, using her multiple influences (electronic music, rap, pop…) to spread Ukrainian culture across the continent.

Top10! February 2023